Friday, November 24, 2006

postivite thoughts, mantras and affirmations

good mantras for the day- dayz
Current mood: happy

well these affirmations may or may not get you through the day but they dont hurt I believe- good for Karma - I think????

good to have some positive energy for your endeavors

I will be creative cool calm and collected under stress- self explanitory?

I believe in abundance and prosperity, - for wealth?

I will do good - in spite of the negativity I am facing

I have the strength energy to get through this

There is only one coil in the spiral between strength and weakness

my reputation is irrelavant

I will try not to harm sentient beings or have thoughts of harm

thoughts are like clouds- they come and go endlessly

I lovingly forgive (whomever or whatever ) rinse and repeat - hahahhaha

the future is one breath away, you are one breath away from death and never know when it will occur, take things lightly

I respect the godliness in others

karma is just action: do something!

we are all equally becoming bhudda


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